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It’s my Birthday today and this year I have myself the best gift ever – 65 pounds of fat loss!  Well there I am, in all my 47 years of glory!  Hey I made it!  I’m sure there are people out there betting that I wouldn’t 🙂

I am grateful for so many things this year.  This is the first year since I was in my 30’s that I didn’t suffer a devastating loss.  This is the year when I said ENOUGH and got off my butt and did something about my weight problem.

It hasn’t been easy though.  My last post about how I am struggling right now really hit a nerve with people.  I get a lot more messages through Facebook or Insta than I get comments on my blog – maybe because that is what people are used to doing, or maybe because they don’t want there comment to be seen by everyone.

The running theme of my messages seemed to be:  Forgive yourself and move on.

It really started this weird brain of mine thinking.

Forgive myself?  Why the hell should I forgive myself?

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