Food Find – Garden Style

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So all my veggies are coming in something fierce right now.  In a week or two I should be posting my recipe for an awesome marinara type sauce that it out of this world!

All the fresh picked right from my yard get me in salad mode.  It’s so delicious and good for you, and it has the added benefit that I know what was and was not used on the veggies.

No pesticides in my garden, thank you very much.

Salads are mostly full of foods that have 0 Smartpoints, so they are a no-brainer, right?


Salad dressings and topping can kill you.

7 croutons can come out to 4 Smartpoints if you aren’t careful.

Now there are times that I splurge on my salad toppings and dressings.  That’s the beautiful thing about Weight Watchers.  It’s all about balance.

Will I have croutons and nuts and full fat dressing every day?  No.  Will I have it once in awhile?  Definitely!

So when I am in point savings mode here are some of the things I like to use on my salad.


Trader Joe’s Cilantro Salad Dressing is Ahhhmazing.  I almost like this better than full fat dressings!  It has such a delicious flavor that you will find yourself using it in your regular cooking or on a sandwich too!


Bolthouse Farms has a line of reduced fat dressing.  I don’t care for their vinaigrette dressings, but these two yogurt based dressings are decent.  I won’t say it has magical properties that will make you forget about a good full fat blue cheese or ranch dressing, but it is pretty good and good for you.  They also make a great marinade.

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