How I Went from a Fat Hooker to a Happy Garden Fairy

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So I am going to do a give-a-way worth over $200 for all my faithful followers!  More on that at the end of the post!

Halloween is coming.

Forgive me but I’ve been catching up on Game of Thrones.

What a difference a year makes, eh?

Anyway, I love Halloween.

Like I really love Halloween…



As I’ve gotten older my love for Halloween has increased.  Probably because I was raised by her:


Now that I’m older and don’t take any littles trick-or-treating I do what any adult with no responsibilities would do.

I head to Vegas baby!

So let’s stop right here.  I know those of you that read my blog know I have lost 62 pounds and that I did it for health reasons.  This is very true.

This post is not about losing weight to gain back your health.  This post is about how you feel so much better about yourself because you lost weight and look better.

Wait, what?

This coming from someone who was raised to believe that smart was more important than beauty.  My Mom always used to tell me, “Looks will fade and people can take a lot away from you but smart is yours.  An education can’t be taken away.”

I wasn’t raised to be a Princess, I was raised to be the damn Queen and handle my own business.

I can’t get away from it though. How I look does effect how I feel about myself, no matter how I was raised or how I tell myself it shouldn’t matter.

There is one thing that sticks out in my mind from one of my Weight Watcher meetings – one thing that someone shared once that has stayed with me all this time.

This woman had lost quite a bit of weight, like 70 pounds.  Our leader was telling us about some kind of extra thing they were doing where people who were successful with the program were going to talk about there experiences.  This lady was one of them.

So my fabulous leader asked her what had changed the most since she lost the weight.  Her answer?

“I am a lot nicer now.”


So there was  talk of how she wasn’t happy so she was miserable and cranky and other stuff but  my mind had started racing.

Could I have that problem?  Could I not be as nice because of my weight?

Look I’ll be honest and I don’t know if anyone would exactly put me in the nice category anyway.  Honest, loyal for sure but nice?  I suppose it could happen…lol

Anyway this one little statement really got me thinking.  I mean how many times had I not went out with friends, skipped a party, or didn’t go somewhere because I was tired.  At least that’s what I used to tell myself, I was to tired to go.

If I’m going to keep that honest category I mentioned I’m going to have to admit that perhaps it wasn’t just because I was tired.  Perhaps it had a little something to do with the fact that I was not comfortable in my own skin, that I just didn’t feel good about myself.

Am I the only one that has missed out on things because I wasn’t happy with how I looked and just didn’t want to be around people or have people see how much I had gained?  Probably not unfortunately.

So those times that I did go, did I maybe not put my best self forward? Was I a bit more cranky?  Was I snarky (okay snarkier I am Gen X for Pete’s sake)?  Did I not enjoy myself like I should have?

I had to admit it. Yes, I’m sure that did happen, and happened quite frequently.

Which brings us back around to Halloween.  I can tell you by those pictures which ones were the best.  The year I was the fembot.  The year I was the vampire.  There are more pictures, ones from about every year I’ve been alive, and I can tell by those too.

I was in my 20’s when I was the vampire, and I felt pretty damn good about how I looked.  Same goes for the fembot one.

The pirate one?  Not so much.  Was it the party or was it how I felt about myself in that costume?  I mean you go somewhere and you think you look pretty good and then you start to judge yourself based on what everyone else looks like.

Sometimes you feel like you come up lacking.  It doesn’t help that every costume out there known to man is now a slutty version.  Seriously?  Slutty Snow White?  Leave Snow White the hell alone!

You shouldn’t judge yourself so harshly.  This is wrong, oh so wrong and I realize this.  Right after that meeting I made a conscious effort to go places, do things, and not let my weight get to me or hold me back or make me feel miserable.

Did it work?  Sometimes, and sometimes it didn’t but at least I was making a conscious effort to not miss out on life because of what I weighed.  I think what’s important was I realized I was not only doing this to myself, but other people.  People I cared about.  I was maybe not at nice or good or funny or whatever you want to call it because I felt bad about myself.

But I own it, I realize it, and I do what I can to change it.  You see what I always thought in the past was losing weight just makes that all go away, but it doesn’t.

I am 5’8 inches tall and bought size 6 pants last week and still get thoughts creeping in like “you could probably lose a few more”.  Hell I’ve had people ask me why I’m stopping.  No joke.  I’m totally doing a complistomp post next!

Just like how I’ll have to deal with what I put in my mouth for the rest of my life I’m going to have to deal with how I feel about my body and how it looks.

I’ll never be a Twiggy, or a Kate Moss, or a whoever the hell is in these days.  My body will always be more Marilyn, Sophia or Raquel unless I have some major plastic surgery, which is not going to happen.

I’m okay with that for the most part.  Hell people spend thousands of dollars to have boobs like mine…lol  Those standards set by society, and yes other women, are always there though.

But I realize it, own it,and try my best to change it.  Even if I fail at it sometimes.

Sharing is Caring Give-a-Way!

So on to the contest!  Many of you have read my post What Kelly Did.  Some people used the link to try Weight Watchers.  They have this promotion where you and the person that signed up gets $20 to spend at the Weight Watcher store.

The contest will run from September 8th 2017 @ 4 pm CST until Sunday September 10th 2017 3 pm CST.

Since I am not versed in International law only residents of the United States are eligible to win.

Quite a few people signed up from that post, so I’ve decided sharing is caring so I’m going to share with you in a series of give-a-ways!

What can you win?


A fitbit zip, 7 day tone & burn, stability ball kit, yoga starter kit, Leslie Sansone 4 dvd Walk away the Pounds kit, and a target and tone Pilates kit!

You also can pick one shirt from the September Forever Etsy Shop!  Here are just a few they offer!  Check them out!

The number 1 question I am asked is “Do you have to exercise???”  No, you don’t have to exercise to lose weight, but it is good for you!  People that exercise increase their chance of keeping it off big time, and I’m here to help!

So how do you enter?  Read this very carefully!  If you do not follow the contest rules you won’t win!

In the spirit of sharing is caring share this post on one of your social media platforms.  Click your favorite platform with the “Share This:” at the bottom of the page and share!

It looks like this:


Then comment on this post with which platform you shared it on.  I will comment on each comment with a number in sequential order.  Then on Sunday, September 10th at 8 pm CST I will use the google random number generator LIVE on my Facebook Page to pick the winner!

You have until Sunday, September 10th @ 3 pm to share and comment! Good luck and thank you for all of your support!  Be sure to check the comments for your number I give you and like and follow my Facebook Page to see if you won!

I’m going to be doing a couple of these throughout the fall so make sure you are keeping up with me!  The next give-a-way will be allllll about organization 🙂

To keep up with me:

Follow my blog with the link in the left hand side bar.

Follow the My 30 Point Life Blog Updates on Pinterest

Follow and like me on my Facebook Page.

Join my Weight Watchers Tough Love Group on Facebook.

Join my Instant Pot Healthy Recipes group on Facebook.

92 thoughts on “How I Went from a Fat Hooker to a Happy Garden Fairy

  1. I have always felt that the hardest time to be overweight is not summer, but Halloween. It is so limiting and disheartening. Next year I will be whatever I want, without worrying.


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